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EE&T News: December 9, 2010

Dec. 15, 2010
Squeeze a nanogenerator, light up a display

December 9, 2010 Issue:

• Shocks, Volts, and voltage
• Coming in Feb.: EE&T's Energy Summit
• Squeeze a nanogenerator, light up a display
• Who needs smart meters when there's non-intrusive load monitoring?
• New supercap research targets EVs
• DoE tells fast-food joints how to get energy efficient
• Energy Shorts
• Easier and cheaper process for organic LEDs
• Biggest LED installation in Europe

Shocks, Volts, and voltage

A few of our readers have weighed in on what a group of Chevy Volts should be called. You may recall that we suggested a group of Volts might be Chevy Voltage. Reader Jim Hutchison suggests calling it a Shock of Volts, and he can't wait GM starts announcing fleet buys in kilo-Volts. But reader Art Sobel thinks Wattage might be a better moniker.
Meanwhile, the digital version of our Nov.-Dec. issue is now available. Check it out here:
And as always, send your energy efficiency news to us at [email protected] -- Leland Teschler, Editor Read More


Coming in Feb.: EE&T's Energy Summit

CSA, the standards and compliance testing organization, is cosponsoring with EE&T an event coming up in Feb. in Orlando, that will cover topics that include lighting technology and meeting new Energy Star compliance standards. Speakers include EPA's program manager for Energy Star lighting. Check out the program at eetweb.com/conferences/illuminate. Read More


Wireless Sensor Networks – An Introduction to Technologies and Architectures
This overview webcast from National Instruments provides an introduction to wireless sensor networks, including application areas and typical system components. The webcast then explores technology considerations for wireless sensor networks, including network topologies, communication standards, and power consumption. View webcast now.

Squeeze a nanogenerator, light up a display

A group of Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have fabricated super-small nanoscale power generators able to generate enough power to run a small LCD. The nanoscale generators that harvest mechanical energy from the environment using an array of tiny nanowires. Merely compressing a nanogenerator between two fingers puts out enough energy to run the small display. READ MORE Read More

Rugged Speed and Temperature Sensor

Electro-Sensor's TT420 Temperature Transmitters and ST420 Shaft Tachometers are pre-calibrated, proven solutions that install fast and perform anywhere, providing rugged and reliable monitoring solutions for your toughest machine environments. The TT420 combines a temperature sensor, signal conditioning, and 2-wire loop-powered 4-20mA transmitter into one compact package. The ST420 detects magnetic pulses from a rotating shaft-mounted magnetic pulser target (disc or wrap) and outputs a smooth, continuous 4-20mA analog signal in direct proportion to the pulse frequency (rotating shaft speed).www.electro-sensors.com

Who needs smart meters when there's non-intrusive load monitoring?

There's more than one way to ascertain what loads are drawing what power in your house. Non-intrusive load monitoring could do the job without necessitating the installation of a smart meter. The idea behind NILM is to first characterize the way big loads in your house typically behave, then just monitor the main power meter going to the house. READ MORE Read More

Boker's Free 2011 Washer Catalog
Boker's complimentary 2011 Washer Catalog offers a selection of more than 25,000 non-standard flat washer sizes available with no tooling charges. With outside diameters ranging from 0.080" to 5.140", a wide variety of inside diameters and thicknesses and over 2,000 material options available, Boker’s provides endless washer and spacer possibilities. Materials include low-carbon sheet steel, various spring steels, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, nickel silver and non-metallics. ISO 9001:2008 Registeredwww.bokers.com/eete

New supercap research targets EVs

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University recently got DoE funding to perfect a super-capacitor that would provide a 10-fold or better energy density than current models, yet would be a fraction of the size and weight. The new design could also be quite reliable because it can heal leaks of electrical current that plague models now in use. The key factors are the materials and design of the device. The anode of the capacitor is a titanium alloy so finely textured that it absorbs almost all the light hitting it. READ MORE Read More

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DoE tells fast-food joints how to get energy efficient

Quick-service restaurants could cut their energy bills by between 41 and 52% if they adopted measures suggested by the DoE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Moreover, PNNL figures the payback period for installing the energy efficient gear would be a little over two years. PNNL researchers modeled a typical quick-service restaurant and figured the savings based on typical usage rates for equipment and restaurant square footage. READ MORE Read More

Energy Shorts

Making organic LEDs just got easier and cheaper
Where to find the biggest LED screen in Europe
The future for alternative energy schemes
World's best LED dimmer?
Fast charge for EVs: Ten houses-worth of energy
Researchers turn exhaust heat into electricity
Incandescent, CFL sales slow
Vacuum gripper gently handles solar cells
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Easier and cheaper process for organic LEDs

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology in Aachen, Germany working with Philips have developed a process that could slash the cost of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), potentially leading to cheap, large, ultra-thin and highly efficient monitors and displays. READ MORE Read More


Euro Display recently installed 400 sq-m of LED displays in Ankara. The installation was to better handle the FIBA World Championship and included four indoor screens, four indoor banners, and one outdoor screen, all comprised of LEDs. READ MORE Read More


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International Rectifier


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Featured video: Energy harvesting techniques

If you missed EE&T's tech day this past May in San Jose, you can catch part of it online. We recently posted the presentation by Linear Technology Corp.'s Tony Armstrong who discussed basic techniques for harvesting energy from sources such as vibration and thermal sensors.Watch video


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