Test & Measurement

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Test & Measurement

Arrr! Thar’s Piratin’ ta be Done with Emerson’s Newly Minted NI mioDAQ

On International Talk Like a Pirate Day, Andy covers NI’s new USB-based multichannel data-acquisition instrument, the mioDAQ, suitable for reverse engineering as well as bench...

Tiny Air Quality Sensor Module Captures, Assesses 7 Indoor Pollutants

This high-precision module for air monitoring, developed by Renesas, includes seven sensors, an airflow fan, algorithms, and simple I/O.
Yokogawa Test & Measurement Releases DLM3000HD Series High-Definition Oscilloscopes and IS8002CDV Classic Data Viewer software
Test & Measurement

Advanced Viewing Software Supports High-Def Oscilloscopes

Yokogawa Test & Measurement released the DLM3000HD Series of high-definition oscilloscopes with IS8002CDV Classic Data Viewer software.
Nature/Osaka University
Test & Measurement

Neutron-Based Scheme Yields Nanosecond-Speed Temp Measurement

This room-sized atomic-based arrangement delivers accurate temperature readings within an extremely brief time window.
Cabling Handles High Frequency in Small Form Factor
Test & Measurement

Cabling Handles High Frequency in Small Form Factor

Molex’s compact Cardinal line of cable assemblies work with frequencies up to 110 GHz.
Power Evaluation and Analysis Solutions Address Advanced Circuit Designs
Test & Measurement

Power-Analysis Solutions Test Advanced Components

MinDCet’s measurement systems analyze losses in inductors and capacitors under real-life operating conditions.
Machine Learning

How Earth-2 Uses AI to Make Quick Weather Forecasts

The digital-twin platform, Earth-2, uses AI and machine-learning models for improved weather predictions with enhanced visualizations.
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Test & Measurement

How Fast Can Your Battery Tester Change Voltage?

Determining the speed of a battery charger to change voltage requires careful consideration of many factors to ensure a safe and proper measurement. Using the right tools makes...
ACS and Dreamstime_svyatoslavlypynskyy_146309758

How Automation is Unlocking Efficiency and Innovation in BEV Development

Amid slowing battery-powered electric-vehicle sales, automation drives advances in battery performance via data-driven testing and systems integration, elevating automotive tech...

Protecting Electric Vehicles from External Transients

While EVs continue to grow in importance and charging infrastructure is improving, designers still must prepare for transients and other risks from external charging operations...