
Mitchell Richling

So...Analog Computers Turn THAT Lorenz Attractor into Child’s Play (Part 3)

As requested by readers, editor Andy Turudic demonstrates that it’s child’s play to set up an Analog Computer to compute a Lorenz Attractor.
Inside Electronics

Empowering Light-Detection Apps with InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes

Thanks to the sensitivity of Phlux’s APDs, they’re able to detect signals at up 50% greater distance. Ben White, Co-founder and CEO, offers his insight into these devices.
Penn State University

Single Transducer Merges Bio-Implantable Magnetic and Piezo Harvesting

This unique dual harvesting arrangement, which simultaneously harvests energy from magnetic fields and ultrasound sources, can provide more power than either one alone—at no cost...
184799464 © Artur Rusnac | Dreamstime.com
Land Rover Defender 2020 - Pneumatic Car Suspension System

So...Analog Computing Hits a Bump in the Road and All THAT (Part 2)

Analogue Computing hits the road as editor Andy Turudic uses THe Analog Thing Analog Laptop Computer to simulate an automobile suspension encountering a pothole.

Open-Source EV Charging, Solid-State Circuit Protection

Could a Linux-based open-source platform for EV charging stations help accelerate deployment while helping cure the industry's pesky interoperability problems?
Linköping University

Your Next Tunable Terahertz Attenuator Might Be an Aerogel

How do aerogels, made with cellulose and PEDOT:PSS, transform terahertz signal paths and attenuators? This article delves into their fabrication process, performance, and potential...
Anabrid GmbH

So... What if THAT Analog Computer was Cheaper than a Smartphone? (Part 1)

A “cheap as chips” open-source Analog Computer can run circles around a Raspberry Pi in solving differential equations and for simulating natural phenomena.
Yupiramos Group, Dreamstime
The Briefing

Figuring Out the Carbon Footprint of an Individual Chip

Infineon is calculating the carbon footprint of its individual products, giving engineers more transparency regarding the climate impact of its chips.
Machine Learning

What’s the Difference Between Analog and Digital Computing?

Explore the unique strengths and differences between the electronics industry’s most common method of computing.
Shin1004, Dreamstime

Isolated Gate-Driver ICs Handle Higher Voltage Levels in EVs

NXP upgraded its isolated gate drivers for the high-voltage era of the electric vehicle and is supplying them to ZF Friedrichshafen.