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The latest news in energy efficiency
January 9, 2012
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There's more than one way to sabotage lighting standards
If you thought last month's legislative battles delayed new efficiency standards for incandescent light bulbs, guess again. Our friends at Alliance to Save Energy point out that Congress actually passed a spending bill rider that prevents the DOE from enforcing the new standards, which did, in fact, come into law on Jan. 1. Other energy-related facets of the Bill include cutting off funding for loan guarantees (no more Solyndras) and a boost for ARPA-E, which funds rocket-science-type energy efficiency research. Get the details here.
-- Leland Teschler, Editor, [email protected]
Renewable energy according to a TV pundit
Sell! Sell! Sell!
Don't buy! Don't buy! Don't buy!
These are the sounds you'll probably hear if you happen to tune in to a CNBC program called Mad Money when the program host Jim Cramer talks about the stock of any renewable energy company. For the past few years, Cramer hasn't had much good to say about stocks of companies in the wind or solar energy space. In fact, he is down on most companies engaged in anything resembling “green” technology.
Video: Inside an electric racecar
At EE&T's last Education Day event, Michael Worry, CEO of Nuvation Engineering, talked about the engineering that went into Nuvations's zippy E.Rex racer, capable of 100 MPGe. The video of Worry's presentation is now online.The energy equation of variable speed drives
Industrial firms often argue against installing energy efficient motor controls on the grounds that such systems are more expensive than their alternatives. The problem with this argument is that most costs associated with large electric motors are in the energy they use over their lives rather than in their up-front costs and installation expenses. Data collected by Siemens in Germany, for example, estimate the purchase price of a 150 hp motor accounts for less than 1% of its overall lifecycle costs. Energy costs account for the rest.
Occupy the holidays!
I've been by the Occupy encampment in Oakland, Calif. a number of times the last few months. I was curious to see what was going on down there....To read the headlines about the Occupy movement, you might get the idea that most of what Occupiers talk about relates to day-to-day economic issues. But that's not entirely true. The long-term fate of the planet was another topic while I stopped by.
Energy shorts
Florida gets its first zero-net-energy campus
Triple-decker solar cell sets new efficiency record
The growing pains of PV power
Energy Websites
Plumbing for power: Energy harvesting turns temperature differences into electricity
Energy-efficient variable speed drives suit HVAC needs
Dust Networks hooks up with Linear Technology: Will energy scavenging ever be the same?
LED Lighting
Basics of digital LED control
Most engineers are quite familiar with typical low-power-indicator LEDs. All that's needed to use them is a voltage source and a series resistor of the right value. However, all of the simplicity goes out the window when you move to a high-brightness, high-current LED with a forward current of well over 350 mA. This is particularly true when you put 10 of them together in a string.
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