The Future Of Computing And Communications Takes Center Stage At Wireless Systems 2003

Jan. 1, 2003
> Imagine a world in which your refrigerator talks to your television. Your car talks to your home's central-cooling system, the garage-door opener, and the coffeepot. Now, imagine that the computing and communications spaces have converged into one...


Imagine a world in which your refrigerator talks to your television. Your car talks to your home's central-cooling system, the garage-door opener, and the coffeepot. Now, imagine that the computing and communications spaces have converged into one dynamic industry. A rich tapestry of wireless client platforms supports this industry. In addition, the industry is bolstered by devices like powerful PDAs and data-enabled cellular phones.

You may be able to visualize these images with little trouble. But it's a lot harder to come by the details of such implementations. Nevertheless, the infrastructure for such a vision is quickly being established. This has left many people wondering about the implications of such advancements to the wireless, telecommunications, and semiconductor industries. They question what these changes will mean to the entire Internet economy worldwide.

If you happen to be pondering this same exact thing, then take heart. This year's Wireless Systems 2003 Conference and Exhibition promises to offer a revealing look at the future of the wireless industry. Scheduled for February 24-27 at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, California, this event features a full range of tutorials, technical tracks, two keynotes, and an in-depth panel discussion (see sidebar). In addition to the show floor, an impressive array of consumer-oriented products will be featured in the Technology Gallery Showcase. Here, you'll catch a glimpse of the next-generation wireless gadgets soon to hit the streets.

Setting the theme for the conference will be a keynote delivered by Gadi Singer, General Manager of Intel's Wireless Computing and Communications (WCCG) division (see photo). Mr. Singer will discuss the growth of the computing and communications industries and how the desire and need for anytime, anywhere connectivity has begun to drive their convergence. He'll also examine how the opportunities for innovation will increase as the industries merge. New capabilities will subsequently be driven into the marketplace. They will create new lifestyle-based usage models, further spurring demand.

On the heels of this discussion will come a colorful keynote from Paul Marino, General Manager of Philips' Business Line Connectivity. Mr. Marino will discuss how digital devices, connected by a wireless Web, will soon permeate our entire physical environment. How will this impact computing and entertainment devices, and what will this new connectivity mean for wireless engineers and consumers alike? In his examination of such topics, Mr. Marino will provide attendees with a comprehensive look into the future of wireless home connectivity.

Adding to the flavorful discussions at this year's event is a panel titled, "Will WLAN (802.11) Technology Burst The 3G Bubble?" This panel features an impressive array of participants, including: Todd Antes, Director of Marketing and Business Development, Philips Connectivity Group; Ronny Haraldsvik, Senior Director of Marketing, Flarion; Sheung Li, Product Line Manager, Atheros Communications; Goli Ameri, President, eTinium, Inc.; Derek Kerton, Principal, The Kerton Group; David McCall, Cambridge Silicon Radio (CSR); and Fatih Ozluturk, Chief Architect and VP of Advanced Technology Incubation at InterDigital Communications Corp.

This topic of conversation is sure to turn into a heated debate as panelists discuss whether 3G is really starting to lose its luster. Some would argue that even the big telecom companies (the same companies that once promoted 3G as their salvation) are now scaling back on their development plans. In fact, many of these carriers are now looking to roll out their own IEEE 802.11b wireless networks.

The ultimate question on the table is whether Wi-Fi is a better technology option than 3G or, for that matter, other technology alternatives. Also, will the tide of 802.11 development and products be enough to change the shape of the third generation? If last year's attendance to a similar panel topic is any indication, this discussion is sure to be standing-room only. Attendees won't want to miss it.

If this information doesn't whet your appetite, check out any one of the nine technical tracks. They delve into personal-area networks like WLAN, Ultra-Wideband, and Bluetooth technology. They also investigate such compelling topic areas as the Wireless Internet; Wireless Networks; Software; RF Design; Broadband/Fixed Wireless; and Power Management. Wireless Modeling, Test and Measurement, and Handset Design and Development will be covered as well.

With such an array of technical content, coupled with a lively exhibition floor, this event is guaranteed to offer something for everyone. For more information on the Wireless Systems 2003 event, or to access a complete line-up of the technical tracks, go to the show Web site at For a look at some of the new products to be announced at the show, look closely at the following pages. This Wireless Show preview will key you in to some exciting new offerings that are just now hitting the streets.

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