
What’s New And Improved For Electronic Design In 2010?

Feb. 3, 2010
In his latest editorial, editor-in-chief Joe Desposito gives readers an update on the various changes to Electronic Design for 2010 both in print and online.

As we enter a new decade, I want to update you on some new initiatives we have at Electronic Design for 2010 and beyond and some improvements we have made to the status quo. Let’s start with the latter.

You may notice that you’ve waited longer than usual for your second issue of the year to arrive. This is not by chance, but by design. We have ratcheted back the number of print issues in 2010 from 26 to 16. Essentially, this represents a change in frequency from twice a month to monthly, with a few special issues added for good measure. This is a radical departure from the past. I don’t know how many years Electronic Design has been published twice a month or more, but it has been a very long time.

So while you’ll see fewer print issues, don’t think that means you’ll see any less content from us. For one thing, we expect our issues to contain more editorial per issue than they did last year. We’ll also have more time to post fresh and timely articles and columns directly to our Web site. We’ll let you know about these articles via our e-mail newsletters and the Web Table of Contents that appears in each issue.


We launched our redesigned Web site,, at the end of 2009. It’s been a long time in the making, so we’re happy to be able to present you with the fruits of our labors. Now comes the task of moving into phase two of the project—that is, how to improve on this initial version of the site. We’ve already thought of some ways to improve the site but we welcome constructive comments from you.

If you’ve visited the site, you’re aware that we’ve made many changes. A key addition is the tabbed boxes that rotate at the top of the home page and on all of the technology channel pages. Three of these boxes relate directly to editorial content, either from the print issue or published exclusively to the Web. Two other boxes point you toward white papers, media centers, webcasts, and other content.

We have given each of our editors ownership of one or more channels on the site corresponding to their editorial beats. Each editor is charged with updating the rotating boxes on those channels on a regular basis, which will keep you up to date with the latest technology reports, articles, news, and other information for that channel.


We’ve done video interviews for the past couple of years and have worked hard to make them as timely and relevant as possible. Now you can view our latest videos right from the home page or from our video landing page. Most recently, two of our editors, Bill Wong and Lou Frenzel, conducted a raft of interviews at the 2010 International CES in Las Vegas that are easily accessible at

Any time you watch a video, you will be taken to a page that includes Top Tags in Videos. These are the videos your peers are watching and tagging. How do you tag a video or any other content on the site? Read on.


For the first time, we are encouraging visitors to our Web site to register. You don’t have to register to view videos or other content, but there are certain benefits that accrue if you choose to do so.

First is the ability to tag content. After viewing a video or reading an article, you can add tags that will make it more easily searchable for you and your peers in the future. If you haven’t done this before, this is called cloud tagging. The “cloud” is the list of words that appears on the right side of any channel page. The larger the term, the more popular it is in searches. 

Another benefit of registering is the ability to view “gated” content, which includes items such as whitepapers and e-books. In the future, we hope to provide registered users with even more valuable content.


These days, designers are using many means to find the information they need to make market windows. We’re interested in knowing more about the specific methods you’re using. Obviously you read the magazine, and we know you also use your PC to dig up datasheets, technology backgrounders, and other valuable info. But what else do you use?

We recently launched a reader survey to determine whether you would find a mobile version of our Web site useful or possibly an iPhone app. We’re even thinking of publishing Electronic Design on the Amazon Kindle if enough of you are using that e-reader. We want to deliver content in the ways that are most convenient for you, now and in the future.

About the Author

Joe Desposito | Editor-in-Chief

Joe is Editor-in-Chief of Electronic Design magazine.


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