What’s All This Tube Silicon-Germanium V-F Stuff, Anyhow? (.PDF Download)

Oct. 11, 2016
ack in 2011, National Semiconductor CTO Dennis Monticelli sent Bob Pease a note linking to some low-voltage vacuum tubes. Bob copied me on his response: “Naw, I never ran into these 12-volt tubes before. Wild business. I guess designing with them would not be much weirder than designing with germanium transistors.

Back in 2011, National Semiconductor CTO Dennis Monticelli sent Bob Pease a note linking to some low-voltage vacuum tubes. Bob copied me on his response: “Naw, I never ran into these 12-volt tubes before. Wild business. I guess designing with them would not be much weirder than designing with germanium transistors. I have done a little designing with geranium transistors, NPNs and PNPs. So I do know a little about them...

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