Features of the new RSA5000 Series Signal Analyzers include time, amplitude, and DPX™ trigger functions combined with swept DPX. The DPX Live RF spectrum display quickly catches very short duration transients. The Swept DPX engine collects up to 292,000 spectrum updates/s over its full bandwidth, up to 85 MHz, and sweeps the DPX across the full input range up to 6.2 GHz. DPX measures spectral transients as brief as 5.8 µs.
Frequency mask, frequency-edge, density, time-qualified, and runt triggers capture transients for analysis. For troubleshooting, the series analyzes data in any domain at any time with correlated markers. The RSA5000 instruments also supply +17 dBm TOI and -154 dBm/Hz DANL at 1 GHz along with low-frequency performance with phase noise of -131 dBc/Hz at 10-kHz offset and -150-dBm DANL at a 10-MHz carrier frequency.