Reconfigurable platform delivers RF and microwave ATE switching
Series 8800, an ASCOR Common-Core based signal switching solution, provides a scalable and reconfigurable RF/LF/DC switching platform that covers the DC to 50-GHz frequency range. The standard Series 8800 has 12 switch modules that can be equipped with various relay configurations, including multiple SPDT through SPnT relays. Additional space is available for other signal conditioning components such as programmable attenuators, amplifiers, filters, circulators/isolators, and power dividers/combiners.
The front and rear panels can be tailored to specific applications, and relays can be mounted directly to the panel. The panels are replaceable, permitting re-use of the common-core of relays and other components for other projects.
The series integrates the ASCOR GT-8300A Mainframe that accepts a variety of Series 3000 VXI Switch Modules.