There are simply not enough graduate students enrolled in energy disciplines at U.S. universities to replace the engineers and scientists who plan to retire within the next five to eight years, says the University of Texas at El Paso. So UTEP’s Mechanical Engineering Department will begin offering coursework for a new Energy Science and Engineering (ENSE) doctoral track within the interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Environmental Science and Engineering.
“Next generation energy engineers must innovate transformational technologies for affordable, abundant and low carbon energy and lead entrepreneurial ventures to commercialize those innovations,” said Richard Schoephoerster, Ph.D., dean of UTEP’s College of Engineering. “This new doctoral track evolves from our vision of educating a new pedigree of qualified engineers with the ‘soft skills,’ business acumen and strategic foresight required to meet the needs of the 21st century energy industry.”
The ENSE program will include research topics such as fossil fuel power generation efficiency improvement, carbon capture and storage, high capacity renewable power generation and aerospace propulsion.
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