Improved battery life in portables, reduced system power consumption, and greater system reliability are said to be benefits to users of a trio of power distribution switch ICs. Designated the TPS201XA, TPS202X and TPS203X, the switches offer multiple current ratings, a choice of positive- or negative-enable logic levels, and the option of having an over-current signal. All three are general-purpose devices that can implement power segmentation schemes for PCs, servers, notebook PCs, digital cameras, and many other systems.Segmentation is used to reduce power consumption by shutting down blocks of circuitry in battery-powered systems, thus extending battery life. It also allows line-powered systems to reduce energy consumption by putting power-hungry portions of the system to "sleep" until needed. The TPS202X and TPS203X are also useful for ganged operation in USB applications. All have a low R(DS)ON of 50 milliohm maximum.
Company: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. - Semiconductor Group, Literature Response Center
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