Intel revamped its Xeon processor line for server systems, which promises twice the performance of the company's previous generation dual-core products. The six new Quad-Core Xeon 7300 series processors offer twice the cores of the Xeon 5300 line, and four times the memory capacity of Intel's previous MP platforms. "Intel Xeon-based multi-processor servers are the backbone of the enterprise," Tom Kilroy, vice president and co-general manager of the Digital Enterprise Group at Intel, said in a statement. "With the Xeon 7300 series, Intel is delivering new levels of performance and performance per watt, and driving the Intel Core microarchitecture into such innovative systems as four-socket, 16-core blades that use less energy than our older models." The overhaul comes just days before an important product launch for rival chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Its quad-core version of its Opteron line, code-named Barcelona, is expected to be announced on Monday.