A new line of 5V visible infrared lamps can be used in applications such as infrared gas analyzers, sensors for appliances, process instruments or safety devices; and they can also be used as status indicators. Thin glass envelopes reduce infrared absorption and yield more output in the near IR region. Combined with a double-coiled filament, the lamps are well-suited for applications requiring wide spectrum emission, such as gas sensing and detection. With a peak energy of 1.4 microns and extending beyond 4.0 microns, the lamps come in T-1 and T-3/4 sizes with wire leads or bi-pin bases. Versions come with different amperages and life expectancies from 5,000 to 100,000 hours. Priced from $0.20 each. GILWAY TECHNICAL LAMP, Woburn, MA. (781) 935-4442.
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