Looking for work in satellite, base station and high resolution imaging applications, the MB86061 CMOS d/a converter provides a 12-bit, 400 Msamples/s sampling rate with emitter-coupled logic (ECL) compatible I/Os. The device is said to deliver overall system performance that is more typical of bipolar/bi-CMOS devices.
Superior spectral performance is claimed via proprietary segment shuffling, said to improve large-signal linearity of the converter’s transfer function, where spurious energy is redistributed as noise. Fabricated in a 0.35 µm CMOS triple-well process, the device offers a 68% increase in space savings and a savings in power consumption up to 72% compared to bipolar and bi-CMOS devices, allowing operation without a heatsink. A development kit, the DK86061-3, is available and the device comes in a 64-pin QFP. Pricing begins at $48 each/1,000.