Melding together a photodetector and preamplifier in a single package, the TSOP7000 IR receiver features a 455-kHz carrier frequency and is optimized for use in multimedia end-products. The module can handle up to 20 kbits/s at a transmission distance of up to 20 meters. And its internal band filter is optimized for PCM frequency. The device also offers TLL and CMOS compatibility, power consumption of just 10 mW, and operation using supply voltages of from 2.7V to 5.5V. Rated for operation at temperatures from -25°C to +85°C, the IR receiver module provides an output current of 5 mA, with a demodulated output signal that can be directly decoded by a µP. The device measures 6 x 8.25 x 5.6 mm and has a start-up time of just 50 (s and a data delay time of 18 (s. It also boasts of a high duty cycle of 45% with short burst operation (N>10) and an internal automatic gain control that provides increased immunity against the light disturbances frequently caused by energy-saving lamps.