The Trim XE family of xenon flash products comes in a variety of sizes and power levels to cover the most demanding digital photography applications, including the rapidly evolving mobile phone industry. With lamp diameters as small as 1.3 mm, The Trim XE line—from PerkinElmer—slashes module size by more than 35% compared to prior-generation Xenon products. Xenon flash delivers 1000 times greater brightness than the brightest LEDs in consumer photography applications and enables greater than 100 times faster shutter speed and shorter exposure time than LEDs, with bursts of light as short as 220 µs.
This short but intense light discharge freezes motion, lights objects at longer distances, and provides clear, crisp photos without needing brightness modifications, contrast correction, or image stabilization. In addition, xenon flash technology provides a wider and more uniform light distribution than LEDs, as well as color temperature closer to natural sunlight.
AVAILABILITYCheck with the company for availability of the Trim Xe flask products.PRICING
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