Sporting a 20-mm dome, the Series L806T discrete LED lamps incorporate six surface-mount LED chips arranged in a circle and a larger-than-normal lense. The lamp’s domed lens measures 10.2 mm at the apex and 22.8 mm in diameter. Compatible with 12-pin DIP sockets, the LED lamps are available in standard- and super-intensity versions. The super-intensity units are sunlight visible, have diffused lenses, and come in super red, super orange, super yellow, super green, aqua green, blue green, and super blue colors. The standard-intensity lamps feature clear lenses and come in high-efficiency red, yellow, and high-efficiency green. Other features include rugged plastic construction for indoor and outdoor use and a life expectancy of greater than 100,000 hours. Prices range from $2.47 to $6.96 each/100. For more details, request data sheet #129 from LEDTRONICS INC., Torrance, CA. (800) 579-4875.
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