A New C Compiler And IDE speed 8-bit application development. Version 8 of Rabbit Semiconductor's Dynamic C Premier development environment incorporates new features like syntax highlighting in the editor, an improved debugger interface, and encryption support. Dynamic C is an enhanced version of C that includes support for co-routines, a programming facility that's ideal for multiple state-machine implementations. Also, Dynamic C supports the µC/OS-II real-time operating system (RTOS) and comes with complete source code. The royalty-free distribution extends to the TCP/IP support. Security enhancements include HTTP Digest Authentication for encrypted password transmission and support for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Compiler and runtime improvements include code compression and runtime decompression. Dynamic C Version 8 SE is included with development kits. The upgrade to the Premier version is $385. The DC Module Bundle including AES and full µC/OS-II RTOS support is $349.
WebSphere Meets Embedded Linux with the release of WebSphere Studio Device Developer (WSDD) for MontaVista Linux. The WSDD from IBM (www.ibm.com) is based on Eclipse (www.eclipse.org). WSDD incorporates the WebSphere Micro Environment and a certified J2ME runtime environment that runs on MontaVista Linux Professional Edition 3.0. It supports a range of platforms, including x86/IA-32, PowerPC, MIPS, Hitachi SuperH, ARM, Intel XScale, and StrongARM. Contact MontaVista for subscription pricing.
More Free Tools For The 8051 Web Server have been released by Dallas Semiconductor for its DS80C400 networked microcontroller. The tools, which can be used with C or Java, include Ethernet TCP/IP IPv4 and IPv6 support, memory management, file system, synchronous and asynchronous serial, and 1-Wire device support. Future device supports include SPI and CAN2.0b. The DS80C400 is based on a 75-MHz 8051-core 10/100 Ethernet MAC and a 32-bit hardware math accelerator.