ON Semiconductor has expanded its line of constant-current, low dropout driver (LDD) products to include two high-brightness RGB LED pixel drivers. The CAT4103 and CAT4109 are three-channel, linear-based constant-current drivers for RGB LED pixel control in emerging high-brightness, high-visual impact architectural lighting. The CAT4103 is designed for high-end, multi-color, “intelligent” LED architectural lighting applications. It features a high-speed serial interface that can support data rates up to 25 MHz and offers fully buffered data outputs to ensure data integrity is maintained over distributed (long distance), daisy-chained lighting systems. The CAT4109 uses a parallel interface with each channel having dedicated pulse-width modulation (PWM) control, making it ideal for the more conventional LED visual effects applications such as color-mixing and accent architectural lighting.
Both parts support a wide range of LED constant current drive (up to 175 mA) on each channel, with dropout levels down to 0.3 V at 60 mA. With voltage compliance levels of 25 V on each channel, these drivers are capable of supporting RGB pixels with brightness power levels in excess of 10 W. Pricing for the CAT4103 and CAT4109 is $0.65 and $0.62 in 10,000 piece quantities, respectively. Samples are available now with lead times of six to eight weeks for production quantities.
ON Semiconductor