Additions to the LDU series PCB-mount, dc-input constant-current LED drivers include four models offering power outputs of 5W, 7W, 14W, and 20W with a typical efficiency of 93% for the 5W to 14W models and 95% for the 20W. The entire series provides up to 700 mA output current and the LDU05, 07 and 14 series deliver a maximum output of 1,000 mA. The drivers accommodate a wide range of inputs from 7 to 30 Vdc. Dimming options include two analog methods (voltage or resistance) and a pulse width modulation (PWM) input signal. The PWM approach has a maximum operating frequency of 1 kHz with a minimum 200 ns on/off time. When using an analog dimming method, the output current range is adjustable from 25% to 100% of nominal current. For further information, contact Duane Darrow at XP Power, Sunnyvale, CA. (408) 732-7777 or [email protected].