Well, April has rolled around again-and that means one thing: 'Tis the season to raise questions. Answers will come in the next issue.
- Little Egbert has some long, rigid cylinders-a whole lot of them. He observes that he can arrange 2 of them to touch, and, of course, he can arrange 3 to touch each other. If he stands one on end, he can make 4 cylinders each touch each other one. How long can he go on with this? Can he get 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 cylinders to each touch each other? Of course, bending, warping, or deforming the cylinders is not permitted.
- In the above problem, it is safe to assume there is a solution. In that solution, how long do the cylinders have to be-what is the minimum ratio of L/D? (For n = 4, L/D = 0, but that's trivial...)
- What is it, that is Greater than God, and Worse than the Devil, and if you eat it you will die? (Hint: This riddle is probably at least several hundred years old.)
- Take a doughnut. Or a bagel. Or any toroid. Cut it with a straight (planar) cut. Do not rearrange the pieces. Cut again. Then cut a third planar cut. How many pieces can you cut the toroid into? Note, a doughnut really is DIFFERENT from a biscuit (8 pieces max)! However, in this case, it makes no difference if you use a SOLID toroid, or just a SHELL. The answer is the same.
- The same problem as above, but, you are permitted to rearrange the pieces before you re-cut. How many pieces can you get with 3 cuts?
- What is it that God has none of, the Queen of England has very few of, and I have lots of? Note: This riddle is probably not half as old as number 3.
- A cowboy rode into town on Friday. Four days later, he rode out on Friday. How did he do that?
- A cowboy rode into town on Thursday October 4. In less than a year, he rode out of town on Thursday October 21. How did he do that?
- What two MAKES of automobiles can have their names turned into another MAKE of automobile by adding one letter and rearranging the letters?
- Can you take a piece of paper and fold it over (fold it in half) 10 times? Here's a $10 bill. If you can fold it in half 10 times in a row (and not unfold it each time), you get the $10. If you can't, you owe me $10. Now, are you having trouble folding it in half 10 times? I can fold a piece of paper in half (repeatedly) up to 10 times. How come??
- Extra credit: Here is the answer to a question-aggry (a Ghanian burial bead) and puggry (a scarf worn under a hat, to protect the back of the neck, in India). NOW-what is the QUESTION? This is a trick question; don't feel bad if you can't guess.
All for now. / Comments invited!
RAP / Robert A. Pease / Engineer
Mail Stop D2597A
National Semiconductor
P.O. Box 58090
Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090