Aimed at the portable media market, the company has introduced what it calls the first mega-pixel, mobile-camera chipset that complies with the standard mobile imaging architecture (SMIA). The chipset consists of the VS6650 camera module and the STV0976 mobile imaging processor. The VS6650 1-Mpixel (1,152 x 864) module is capable of streaming full-resolution images at 30 fps. Via the physical layer specification of SMIA, the device integrates a video interface that operates at speeds up to 650 Mb/s and minimizes EMI to a level that allows camera placement in close proximity to other RF components. The STV0976 processor, with integrated real-time JPEG compression, handles full-resolution images up to 15 fps at 1 Mpixel. Other processor features include defect correction, lens-distortion compensation, and sharpness enhancement. Available in samples now, volume production of the 1-Mpixel chipset is scheduled for March 2005 at a price of $16. STMICROELECTRONICS INC., Lexington, MA. (781) 861-2650.
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