With the release of its latest Antenna Modeling Design System (AMDS), Agilent’s full-wave 3-D electromagnetic (EM) modeling and simulation software contains a scripting feature for performance optimization and automation of complex designs such as patch-array antennas. With it, designers can fine-tune antennas for the best performance within electronic devices, such as cell phones.
Modeling, simulating and optimizing complex antenna systems is an intricate process that includes setting up layout and simulation parameters and mathematical post-processing of the simulation results. This process is cumbersome and introduces design risk. The new scripting capability in this fifth release of AMDS allows designers to write their own programs to automate element placement and incorporate mathematical functions to perform virtually any analysis on the antenna design before it is integrated into the complete mobile wireless device. Designers also can use equations to define the geometry of complex antennas (such as those with fractal and conformal surfaces) to optimize performance.
AMDS is a full-wave, 3-D EM design, modeling, and verification tool dedicated to antenna and antenna systems design. It meshes, simulates and optimizes an entire wireless device, together with its surrounding real-world environment, to analyze various compliance standards. This release’s scripting is done using Python, an open-source, object-oriented programming language that supports integration with other languages and tools, and comes with extensive libraries.
The Agilent AMDS is available now with prices starting at approximately $50,000.
Agilent EEsof