Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) has published a new second-edition standard that combines three existing UL Standards-UL 61010A for laboratory equipment, UL 61010B for test and measurement equipment, and UL 61016C for process control equipment-into a single standard: UL 61010-1, Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use, Part 1.
The new standard is based upon the current edition of IEC 61010, the international standard governing such equipment, and contains minor exceptions for national deviations.
"Publication of this harmonized standard paves the way for UL to offer one-stop-shopping services to manufacturers of laboratory, measurement and process control equipment seeking to market their products domestically and internationally," said Steve Brown, UL's principal engineer for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Equipment.
With one product submittal to any UL facility, customers can now obtain a CB Scheme Report and Certificate-granting them access to the more than 40 countries participating in the CB Scheme-plus the UL Mark for the United States and Canada. Companies no longer need to meet separate guidelines and make multiple product submittals to access these markets.
UL 61010-1 received approval from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) upon publication. UL co-published the Standard in the United States with the Instrument, System and Automation Society (ISA) and CSA International.
For more information on the new edition of this standard, please contact principal engineer Steve Brown by phone at (631)271-6200, ext. 22420, or e-mail him at [email protected].