The Distributed-power Open Standards Alliance (DOSA) recently announced that Delta Electronics, one of the world's largest power supply manufacturers, has joined the industry alliance. DOSA was established in February 2004 to develop standards for dc-dc converters to ensure compatibility and facilitate second sourcing for customers.
Alliance membership includes Tyco Electronics Power Systems Inc., SynQor, Inc., Celestica Power Systems and Lambda.
"Our entry into DOSA is yet another exciting milestone for Delta's Board Mounted Power effort", said Graham Hunter, vice president of sales for Delta Products. "We are looking forward to working with other leading-edge power supply manufacturers in the development of compatible and competitive products, which not only meet our customers and the markets current needs but anticipates their future application requirements."
Founded by Tyco Electronics and SynQor, DOSA's mandate is to establish standards over a broad range of power converter form factors, footprints, feature sets and functionality for both non-isolated point-of-load (POL) and isolated applications.
"Delta is the largest power supply manufacturer in the world," commented Joseph Coupal, executive vice president, marketing and sales for SynQor. "We are very pleased to count on their support and expertise to advance the goals of DOSA."
Delta Electronics is developing its Delphi Series of nonisolated POL converters that will adhere to the DOSA specifications and also plans to develop a DOSA-compatible sixteenth brick.
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