DC-DC Converter IP Blocks Suit Low-power SoC Designs

June 15, 2005
LTRIM has announced two dc-dc converter IP blocks for buck, or buck/boost chip designs. The IP blocks can be easily integrated into mixed-signal SoCs and analog ICs, particularly those developed for power-constrained applications such as high-end mobile ...

LTRIM has announced two dc-dc converter IP blocks for buck, or buck/boost chip designs. The IP blocks can be easily integrated into mixed-signal SoCs and analog ICs, particularly those developed for power-constrained applications such as high-end mobile phones. LTRIM’s LTR2100-T18 step-down (buck) and LTR2400-TI8 step-down/step-up (dual-mode (buck/boost) converter blocks both provide 1.8 V of output voltage with guaranteed output current of 100 mA. Each IP block features very low quiescent- and shutdown-current specifications, fast response times and low output ripple.

Both the LTR2100-T18 and LTR2400-TI8 IP blocks are architecturally designed to allow the use of small surface-mount inductors and ceramic capacitors, without requiring the use of a Shottky diode. The LTR2100 is a dedicated buck converter, while the LTR2400 can be configured as buck or boost converter. Each also features 500-mV voltage references, soft-start control and fault detection.

The LTR2100-T18 stepdown and the LTR2400-TI8 stepdown/stepup converter blocks are available now in TSMC’s 0.18-micron technology.

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