Energy-efficiency education

Sept. 1, 2010
The ZEBRAlliance — Zero Energy Building Research Alliance — is a col-laborative effort among Schaad LLC, The Tennessee Valley Authority, the Dept. of Energy, and Oak Ridge Na-tional Laboratories to field evaluate two pairs of energy-saving residences.

The ZEBRAlliance — Zero Energy Building Research Alliance — is a col-laborative effort among Schaad LLC, The Tennessee Valley Authority, the Dept. of Energy, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories to field evaluate two pairs of energy-saving residences. The program will demonstrate energy-conservation efforts to reduce the load on the existing electrical grid and curb dependence on nonrenewable energy sources. Acriche LEDs from Seoul Semiconductor, Korea, will be used in one home to show how LEDs can help illu¬minate and define living areas using a fraction the energy required by compact fluorescent bulbs, and as well as by traditional incandescents.

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