New Energy Technologies, Inc. and the City of Roanoke, Virginia successfully debuted the Company's latest MotionPower-Express system, the world's first-of-its-kind rumble strip, capable of generating sustainable electricity. The Civic Center debut marks the first of several test and demonstration events the Company plans to conduct in partnership with the City of Roanoke.
Held at the Roanoke Civic Center, nearly 6000 visitors and over 580 vehicles participated in the demonstration event, with each driver activating New Energy's patent pending MotionPower(TM)-Express System. As drivers slowed down, or came to a stop, their vehicle tires depressed small rumble strip-like treadles, allowing for the capture of kinetic energy. This captured energy was converted to electricity, which powered a series of brightly illuminated lights displayed to drivers.
Engineering estimates show an optimized and installed MotionPower(TM) System experiencing a traffic pattern similar to the 6-hour event, could produce enough sustainable electricity to power lights for the average American home for an entire day. In commercial applications, the same electricity could power a 150 square foot sports-venue electronic billboard or marquee for an entire day.
MotionPower(TM)-Express can be designed for a range of speeds based on traffic pattern and the amount of energy required for a specific application. These applications may include: sport and entertainment venues, solid waste transfer stations, fleet vehicle maintenance facilities, transportation depots, airports (passenger arrival and departure areas), parking lots, border crossings, exit ramps, neighborhoods with traffic calming zones, rest areas, toll booths, and travel plazas.
More than 250 million vehicles are registered in America and an estimated 6 billion miles are driven on our nation's roads every day. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration nearly 70 percent of America's electricity is generated by natural gas and coal. The environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions and the rising cost of those non-renewable fuels, along with the potential doubling of global electricity consumption in the coming years, require the urgent need for creative, sustainable methods of generating electricity. The prospect of sustainably converting vehicle motion and deceleration (vehicle energy) into electricity represents significant positive environmental impact and alternative energy opportunities.