The flowSOL 1 power-module family from Vincotech is engineered for use in a new universal, one-phase, transformer-less design that provides bipolar switching with a deactivated body diode. Specific applications include single-phase solar inverters and switch-mode power supplies. Among the features of the flowSOL 1 BI (TL) modules are a dual booster input with a bypass diode and either an IGBT or an MOSFET inverter in a pseudo H-bridge configuration. The modules provide full reactive power capability and up to 99% efficiency. Three part numbers are available, featuring either a high-speed IGBT, MOSFET, and silicon diode, or a MOSFET and silicon-carbide (SiC) diode. Modules come packaged in the company’s standard flow 1 housing measuring 66 by 33 by 12mm.