Paris, France: Infineon used the CARTES & IDentification show as a platform to introduce a CIPURSE-compliant security chip for public transport applications. CIPURSE, based on ISO 7816, is an open standard that defines a common feature set for smart cards, NFC-enabled phones, and secure access modules (SAMs). The standard features an authentication scheme based on Advanced Encryption Standard AES128, a secure messaging protocol as well as a minimum mandatory file type and minimum mandatory command set.
According to Infineon, public-transport companies can easily implement the dedicated CIPURSE controller in tickets or cards. It allows for secure access to trains and buses, as well as secure, interoperable, and flexible automatic fare collection implementations. The company plans to launch other CIPURSE-compliant products in the near term.
Infineon also introduced CIPURSE-compliant NFC Secure Elements. This enables transport providers to introduce secure ticket purchase and access control via NFC-enabled mobile devices. CIPURSE functionality is available for NFC Secure Elements using Single Wire Protocol (SWP) as well as for embedded Secure Elements (eSE) with Digital Contact Less Bridge (DCLB) interfaces. Offered as a standalone chip or coupled with an NFC modem, the embedded Secure Element controller features Infineon’s Integrity Guard security technology.