By incorporating its own Digital Ambient Light Sensor technology and smart LED drivers, AMS was able to reduce energy consumption in 42-in. flat-panel TVs up to 50%. Thus, these TVs use less than 60W of power during normal viewing versus standard 42-in. models while providing good picture quality, even in the lowest light conditions. According to Energy Star 6.0 guidelines, due to be introduced this spring, power for 42-in. TVs can top out at 62.9W. Maximum consumption for any TV, regardless of size, is 85W. In addition, measurement of power usage will cover four levels of ambient room light, as most consumers prefer to watch television in living rooms with low light levels. AMS says that by adopting the company’s intelligent sensor-driven backlighting technology, carbon dioxide consumption would be cut to the point where it equals the removal of more than 1 million cars from the road (based on average daily television viewing in the U.S.). AMS’ Digital Ambient Light Sensor senses the ambient light level of the room and adapts the backlight to a lower power level. Substantial power savings are realised due to an automatically adjusted lower backlight drive based on ambient light conditions. This technique also improves the contrast ratio of the TV, which means the display isn’t uncomfortably bright, even in a dark room. AMS’s Digital Ambient Light Sensors and smart LED drivers are available now.