\\[August 16, 2006\\] A web-based real-time application, the ADIsimDDS simplifies selecting, evaluating, and implementing the company's direct digital synthesis (DDS) semiconductors. Available at no charge, the tool relies on parametric data to mathematically model the general behavior of a particular device. Users enter desired operating conditions, such as reference clock frequency, output frequency, and the number of reference clocks. They can then observe the behavior of a DDS IC within these parameters via a real-time representation of the circuit's harmonic images and sine-wave quality. For choosing a filter, the tool is said to be effective for frequency planning, which helps minimize the complexity of the filter design. Additionally, those who are not familiar with DDS ICs will benefit from the tool's ability to troubleshoot potential problems. ANALOG DEVICES INC., Norwood, MA. (800) 426-2564.
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