Gb Interface Converter Delivers 32-Channel WDM Capability

Nov. 1, 2001

Claiming to be the industry's first gigabit interface converter (GBIC) and offering a 32-channel wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) capability, this IC is designed for use in both Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel applications. The 32-channel capability represents an eightfold increase in channel utilization for GBIC-compliant products. The chip is part of the company's Invariant line, which, working at speeds up to 1.25 Gb/s, is designed to fit into a standard GBIC interface. Initial applications will be in metropolitan access and campus environments. Because the product employs a GBIC interface, it can be used as an upgrade in existing networks or in new products. The Invariant family uses a laser that is uncooled, but maintains an ultra-stable wavelength. Development tools and documentation are available. For further information, contact Steve High at GIGABIT OPTICS CORP., Anaheim, CA. (408) 891-1944.

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