Designed for direct microprocessor interfacing, the MAS9316 16-bit, monolithic CMOS multiplying d/a converter targets applications such as high-end audio, instrumentation, and other microprocessor-controlled systems. The device is claimed to have high relative accuracy and monotonicity, achieved without the aid of laser trimming.Manufactured using a low TCR thin-film resistor process, the converter incorporates a 4 MSB to 15 decoding design technique. Hidden errors are said to be eliminated by testing all of the different code inputs (65,536). Other reported features include high stability over time and temperature, low sensitivity to output amplifier offset, and a typical non-linearity of 0.004%. Price is $26 each/ 1,000 with delivery from stock to eight weeks. EVOX RIFA, Lincolnshire, IL. (847) 948-9511.