The AD9751, AD9753, AD9755 TxDAC+ family of 10-, 12- and 14-bit D/A converters are manufactured using a 0.35-µm CMOS process to reduce chip power dissipation by 40%. In addition, the DACs can synthesize input signal bandwidths up to 100 MHz, and deliver 300 MSPS operation. The DACs boast a noise floor of -150 dBm/Hz while maintaining over 65 dB SFDR over broadband frequency spans-they are targeted at broadband systems where data rates rival those of optical networks, including local and microwave multi-point distribution systems, satellite links and QAM systems. The AD975x CMOS topolgy is ideal for synthesizing 5 to 100 MHz bands commonly associated with broadband, 2.5G and 3G cellular networks. Other applications for the AD975x TxDAC+ family include broadband transmitters, digitally linearized power amplifier transmitters, CATV and digital broadband infrastructures and signal synthesis subsystems. The AD975x family is packaged in 48-lead LQFPs and specified for operation over a -40°C to 85°C temperature range. Price in 1,000-piece quantities is $17.85 (AD9751), $28.73 (AD9753), and $35.49 ( AD9755).