With WaveWorks Pro+, the company's latest waveform creation software, users can generate waveforms on a PC and download them directly to any arbitrary waveform generator (ARB) via RS-232 or GPIB without programming. The virtual waveform generator with unlimited real waveforms and control parameters comes with an extensive waveform library and complete set of design and editing tools allowing for the creation of the most demanding waveforms. The software features 33 standard waveforms, 20 math transfer functions, 13 math operations and synthesis in both the time and frequency domain via FFT and IFFT routines. Sequence programming offers virtual memory expansion and comprehensive real-world simulations. Any stored waveform may be output in any order in a seamless manner and may be repeated up to 1 million times. The Windows-based package is priced at $495. PRAGMATIC INSTRUMENTS INC., San Diego, CA. (800) 772-4628.