Enhancing the MSP430 line of microcontrollers (MCUs), the MSP430F122 and MSP430F123 controllers include a USART serial port, 16-bit PWM timer, analog comparator, multi-oscillator asynchronous clock system, 22 digital I/O lines, and watchdog timer. The MSP430F122 has 4 KB of flash memory and the MSP430F123, 8 KB. Applications for the µCs include portable instruments and utility meters.Both devices are code-compatible with MSP430 MCUs and, like other family members, dissipate less than 1 µA in standby with an active 32 kHz crystal oscillator and timer and less than 250 µA/MIP when active. The µCs are fully supported via the MSP-FET430P120 flash emulation tool. The MSP430F122 and MSP430F123 come in 28-pin SOPs and TSSOPs and cost $2.39 and $2.51 each/10K, respectively. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC., Santa Clarita, CA. (800) 477-8924, ext. 4500.