Designed for industrial and instrumentation signal measurement applications, the AD7708/7718/7719 a/d converters offer a range of functions and performance features. The AD7708 supports four or five full-differential inputs or eight or 10 pseudo-differential inputs, while providing a 16-bit resolution. The AD7718 is a 24-bit version that is pin compatible with the AD7708. And the AD7719 is a dual sigma-delta device that integrates a 24-bit and 16-bit a/d converter on the same chip. All three devices consume just 2 mA at 3V in normal mode and 10 µA in power-down mode. Prices are $3.98 (AD7708), $5.24 (AD7718), and $8.76 (AD7719), each 1,000. ANALOG DEVICES INC., Wilmington, MA. (800) 262-5643.