Two low-voltage, high-performance mux/demux devices have been added to the company's TinyLogic family. Fabricated with advanced sub-micron CMOS technology to achieve high-speed enable and disable times with a low on-resistance, the switches are house in 6-lead SC70 packages. With a footprint of only 2.1 x 1.9 mm, they require one-third the space of similar mux devices. The NC7SB3157 is a high-performance, 2-channel analog switch CMOS mux/demux that is useful in both analog and digital applications. It features a low resistance that is typically less than 10 ohms at 3.3 Vcc. It has a Vcc operating range of 1.65V to 5.5V. The NC7SB3257 is a high-performance 2-to-1 NMOS passgate mux/demux that features a typical switch resistance of 3 ohms at 5.0V Vcc. Both devices feature break-before-make enable circuitry. The switches also offer overvoltage tolerance of the control input to 7.0V and a power-down, high-impedance control input. Prices start at $0.37 each/10,000.