The RHC series of resistors offers designers a cost-effective, electrically efficient 2-W device in a small package (2512). Unlike many current-sensing resistors, the RHC series features a wide resistance range of 0.1 O to 1 MO. In addition, at 2 W, the RHC series will typically run considerably cooler than other chip resistors of the same size, even those that are also rated for 2 W. The temperature difference of 30°C to 40°C less for the RHC allows downsizing instead of causing problems for other heat sensitive components. Typical applications include professional, commercial, and industrial power systems; controls; and industrial and commercial automation. Other markets and end products include medical applications such as physical therapy equipment, biomed, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and dispensing equipment. The RHC also may be used for audio applications, high-speed communication, thermostats and HVAC, metering, monitoring, and detection, as well as for avionics and instrumentation. The RHC resistors come in 4k-piece quantities on standard 7-in. reels. Some sizes and resistance values may also be offered in 1k reels to support quick-turn shortages. Prices vary with tolerance and resistance value and range from about $0.25 each to $0.40 each in minimum quantities. STACKPOLE ELECTRONICS INC., Raleigh, NC. (919) 850-9500.
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