Engineers in the semiconductor, computer and communications industries can verify their products and components with the HP81100 family of pulse/data generators. Spanning performance levels of from 80 to 330 MHz, and with levels of 50 MHz and 660 MHz expected to be added later this year, the instruments are designed to generate the one- or two-channel digital waveforms necessary to test today's digital designs. They can provide all the standard pulses, digital patterns, sequenced and looped data and multilevel waveforms needed for testing a design's digital and analog functionality.Four models are available- the HP 81104A, HP 81110A (pictured), HP 81130A, and HP 81101A- each with a different frequency range. For less demanding applications, the HP 81100 family provides a solution at half the cost of the firm's former pulse/data generators. And at the other end of the application spectrum, generators are available for meeting the demands of more complex digital tests, such as IC verification or clock testing of microprocessors.