The Visualize series of UNIX workstations rely on 64-bit PA-8500 CPUs to deliver a high level of technical computing power. At the top of the line is the Visualize J5000, which brings dual 440-MHz processors to bear on the toughest system-on-chip simulation and complex IC verification tasks (see photo). The PA-8500 CPU chips offer a 1.5-MB on-chip Level 1 cache, peak memory bandwidth of 2 GB/s and peak I/O bandwidth of 2 GB/s. The machine also has capacity for up to 4 GB of 120-MHz SDRAM. The optional Visualize-fx6 Pro graphics subsystem has six dedicated 3D geometry accelerators.The Visualize C3000 system offers a single 400-MHz CPU and a range of graphics options. Likewise, the Visualize B1000, with its single 300-MHz CPU, is said to represent a solid price/performance compromise.