Programmable ASICs Require No Mask Fabrication

Dec. 1, 1999

The RaptorEx product family features logic density of up to 1.7M equivalent ASIC logic gates with 608 Kb of embedded configurable SRAM and four analog PLLs. Based on a module array architecture, the RaptorEx CX4000 family offers a variety of I/O types, including CMOS, TTL, PCI, USB, GTL, differential inputs and LVDS. The product supports full-scan ATPG. Power dissipation is 0.25 µW/MHz/gate and offers mixed I/O voltage of 3.3V and 2.5V with 2.5V for the core. The worst case SRAM cycle time is 500 MHz. The mid-point family member has 384 Kb of embedded SRAM and 500K equivalent ASIC logic gates. NRE charges are application-dependent.

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