The 12-bit LTC1666 and 14-bit LTC1667 d/a converters sample at 50 Msamples/s and gurantee a ±1 LSB linearity and a minimum SFDR of 78 dB. Operating from ±5V supplies, the devices consume 180 mW typical and are compatible with 3.3V and 5V logic levels.Other features include a low glitch of 5 pV/s and a settling time of 20 ns to 1%. The devicesÕ differential output currents can be connected to a transformer, external resistors, or to an amplifier for voltage output. Available in 28-pin SSOPs, the LTC1666 and LTC1667 are priced at $8.05 and $10.80, respectively, each/1,000. LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP., Milpitas, CA., (408) 432-1900.