Available in more than 65 basic models, the USQ series of quarter-brick dc/dc converters can deliver up to 20A, 30A and 40A from 24V and 48V inputs. Depending on the model, output voltages is rated at 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V, 12V, 15V, or 18V. Output power is up to 100W, with input voltages rated from 36V to 75V (48V nominal) or 18V to 36V (24V nominal). The converters are line and load regulated to ±0.05% and have a transient response time of 200 µs maximum to ±1% of the final value for a 50% to 75% load step. Other features of the USQ converters include a noise figure of 50 mVP-P, efficiencies up to 91%, an operational temperature range from Ð40¡C to 60¡C, and a MTBF of greater than 2.5 million hours. Single-unit pricing is $104, with quantity prices starting at $69 each/1,000. DATEL INC., Mansfield, MA. (800) 233-2765.