
Dublin 8 DO8 ET1W


About Klas

Klas advanced networking and compute technologies provide the Edge Intelligence needed to make better decisions.


4th Floor, One Kilmainham Square Inchicore Road, Kilmainham
Dublin 8 DO8 ET1W
+353 1 6624270

More Info on Klas

Klas is an engineering and design company with over 25 years of experience developing innovative communications solutions for the network edge. The company specializes in integrating enterprise networking capabilities from global IT leaders with in-house hardware and software platforms designed to meet market demands and the most stringent environmental requirements. 

Klas deployable communications systems deliver unparalleled capability to the user and connect them to the Internet of Things in ways never thought possible.

Articles & News

Scharfsinn86 | Dreamstime.com
Selfdriving Promo

What’s the Difference Between Autonomous and Electric Vehicles?

June 8, 2021
Connectivity, data loggers, and the “Tesla trend”—though seemingly inextricably tied together, electric and autonomous vehicles are separated by multiple technological differences...

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