From The Digital Edition: December 18, 2008
EditorialA Bumpy Ride In 2009 As 2008 draws to a close, many magazines will look back at this year’s technology innovations that are the lifeblood of the electronics industry. Just for a change, I thought I’d take a look forward to what may be in store for us during 2009, particularly given the monetary turmoil we’re currently experiencing... NewsWideband 900MHz Amplifier Protects ADCs
Massive Chinese Meter Project Uses ST Chips
256GB SSDs Go Into Full-Scale Production
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IMEC And Panasonic Broaden Research PactPower DesignPower-Saving Products: Smart Designs Lead To Dim(mer)
Whether it’s a cost measure or going greener, cutting power consumption is foremost on the minds of most engineers throughout the industry. As such, advances continue to pour in along these lines. Here are some of the latest newsmakers...