Maxwell debuts 15 V ultracapacitor packs and modules
Dec. 8, 2004
Maxwell Technologies Inc. has introduced a line of 15 V ultracapacitor packs and modules for energy storage and power delivery.
Maxwell Technologies Inc. has introduced a line of 15 V ultracapacitor packs and modules for energy storage and power delivery.
The products, which include six flashlight battery-size BOOSTCAP BCAP0350 ultracapacitor cells, give system designers 15 v "plug and play" building blocks that can supplement or replace 12 v batteries in systems with varying voltage and current requirements.
Richard Smith, executive vice president of strategic business development, says the firm is working on 15 v to 50 v ultracapacitor packs and modules for automotive subsystems and hybrid vehicle drive trains.
He adds that the packs and modules deliver Maxwell's ultracapacitor technology in compact, fully integrated units. They incorporate active or passive cell balancing, and pack-to-pack or module-to-module balancing. The packs are enclosed in shrink-wrap plastic packaging while the modules are enclosed in an aluminum chassis.