By directly connecting personal computers to VXIbus mainframes using the HP E8491B Firewire interface, data blocks greater than 64 KB in size can be transferred over the PC-to-VXI links at rates of 14 MB/s, five times faster than the link’s predecessor. HP E8491B interface card supports up to 16 VXI mainframes with one PC, with each mainframe requiring a single card. And the mainframes can be connected in a daisy-chain, tree, or star configuration.The high data transfer rates possible with FireWire, the industry-standard IEEE-1394 interface bus, makes it particularly useful in systems for high-speed testing of wireless, automotive and aerospace/defense products. HP E8491B includes a C-size VXI module with software and an IEEE-1394 cable. A plug-in card is also available for equipping the PC with an open host computer interface (OHCI).