The MAX2163A silicon tuner for use in 1- and 3-segment ISDB-T applications operating in the VHF/UHF bands employs the company's SiGe BiCMOS process, providing the performance benefits of SiGe with the power consumption of CMOS. Performance benefits include a 99-dB dynamic range and reliable adjacent-channel performance. Designed to receive ISDB-T broadcasts in Brazil and Japan, the device is suitable for use in cell phones, portable media players, and automotive infotainment systems. It integrates all necessary circuit blocks to receive ISDB-T except a crystal and cellular rejection filter. Internal RF blocks include variable bandwidth low-pass filters, optional VHF and UHF tracking filters, and power detectors that enable closed-loop automatic gain control of the device. Control is via a two- or four-wire digital interface. Available in either a 40-pin, 6 mm x 6 mm TQFN package or a custom 40-bump WLP, pricing starts at $4 each/1,000. MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS, Sunnyvale, CA. (800) 998-8800.
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